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The Marina Mall, OMR

Atrium LED Wall

LED TV at the Central Atrium of the mall is a sight people can never miss. With a resolution of 2560 x 1280 pixels, the brands showcased on the Television are bound to get the recognition they require. The location of the LED Screen is in a prominent location and direction as well.

Glass Facade – Main Entry

The Glass Façade on the exterior wall of the multicomplex is a type of branding that will create awareness and recognition for the brand to the on-lookers and vehicles passing by the vicinity. With the advantage of the location and the size of the glass branding (W: 35ft x H: 50ft), the brand is sure to create a wide reach.

Escalator Side Wall

This type of branding paves the way for shoppers to be aware of other brands and offers in the multicomplex. The escalators placed in the Main Atrium ensures the majority of shoppers are aware of the advert. With the help of a Vinyl Sticker in the size of 20ft x 4ft and a height of 80 sqft, the customers are bound to be attracted to the advert that would result in sales and revenue for the brand.

Pillar Drop Down

The Glass Façade on the exterior wall of the multicomplex is a type of branding that will create awareness and recognition for the brand to the on-lookers and vehicles passing by the vicinity. With the advantage of the location and the size of the glass branding (W: 35ft x H: 50ft), the brand is sure to create a wide reach.

Facade Branding

The Façade branding ensures the banner-like advert is stuck to the building. With the advantage of the location, size (10ft x 20ft) and quantity of banners (4 in number), brands have the benefit of implementing a colorful banner or advert to get the attention of the onlookers.

Parking Entry - Glass Branding

The adverts are placed for people who utilize the parking facility of the multicomplex. Placed in the entrance of the parking facility and size of 20ft x 8ft and 160 square feet, the banner is bound to get the attention of the customers.

Lift Lobby Branding

People are bound to utilize the elevator and while they wait, the adverts placed shall help them pass the time and be aware of the brand. Sizes range from 3ft to 6.9ft. This is a great way to get the attention and interest of customers.

Unipole Branding

Placed at the multicomplex’s exit, people passing by the vicinity on either side are aware of the advert. Standing tall in a size of 24 ft x 12 ft, this catches the attention and interest of people.